meommeo-i key ring

*[Meommeo-i wearing a puffy vest] SOLD OUT, no plans to restock.

*Reinsein's cute mascot Meommeo-i, which can only be found at Reinsein, has been released as a key ring P: !! 🐶
*This product has several options. Please check the details page carefully before purchasing.
Option 1) Meommeo-i key ring type
-Blue hoodie meommeo-i key ring 

-Yellow padding moemmeo-i key ring

-Meommeo-i wearing a puffy vest [sold out]
Option 2) Necklace
-Moeommeo-i Pearl Blue Daisy Necklace

-Meommeo-i Pearl Yellow Daisy Necklace 

-Meommeo-i Mini POP Necklace

-Meommeo-i DaisyDaisy

-Christmas Scarf
*Due to the nature of plush toys, the shape and details may vary slightly for each doll, and this is not a reason for exchange/return due to defects.
*Products in the accessories category cannot be exchanged/returned, so please purchase carefully.

Easy payment feature is available.
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레인세인 (ReinSein)

Representative Jiyeong Kim

010-4654-0903   |

Jayangbunyoung-ro 47-3, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul, Korea

Business Number 570-72-00317

통신판매업 제 2021-서울강남-02346호

고객센터 대표전화 010-4564-0903
운영시간 평일 오전 10시 ~ 오후 6시
(점심시간 오후 1시 ~ 오후 2시, 법정공휴일 및 매주 토요일,일요일 휴무)

개인정보처리방침   |   이용약관

Hosting by I'MWEB

Copyright(c) 2022레인세인 All Rights Reserved.

레인세인 (ReinSein)

Representative Jiyeong Kim   |   010-4654-0903   |   |   Jayangbunyoung-ro 47-3, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul, Korea

Business Number 570-72-00317   |   통신판매업 제 2021-서울강남-02346호

고객센터 대표전화 010-4654-0903, 070-8754-0903
운영시간 평일 오전 10시 ~ 오후 6시 (점심시간 오후 1시 ~ 오후 2시, 법정공휴일 및 매주 토요일, 일요일 휴무)

개인정보처리방침   |   이용약관

Hosting by I'MWEB